A Quick Bite of The Big Apple
WANDER Sable Williams WANDER Sable Williams

A Quick Bite of The Big Apple

As soon as I started planning this trip, I kept thinking, "Man, I need some New York in my veins." Apparently, I couldn't wait until the summer to hop on a plane, so I planned an impromptu trip to New York to finally catch the fashion exhibit at The Met.

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A Much-Needed Spring Break
WANDER Sable Williams WANDER Sable Williams

A Much-Needed Spring Break

Sadly, since I planned this trip on a whim, I made a rookie mistake. I didn't plan to travel the day before the events so on the drive up, I was fighting my exhaustion and anxiety of settling into the hotel and rushing to the fashion show.

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A Possible Leap to the East Coast?
WANDER Sable Williams WANDER Sable Williams

A Possible Leap to the East Coast?

Getting back to New York felt great. There's just something about strutting down the streets of that city. I've actually been toying around with the idea of moving to the East Coast since the fashion scene is obviously more active.

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WANDER Sable Williams WANDER Sable Williams


I entered the lottery to get tickets for Las Vegas, Seattle, and New Orleans. Las Vegas was the first to hit my inbox so that was the plan: I was going to see Beyoncé in concert in Las Vegas.

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A Glam & Exhausting Vacation in NYC
WANDER Sable Williams WANDER Sable Williams

A Glam & Exhausting Vacation in NYC

I wanted to go someplace where I could sleep in, but also glam myself up and take myself out to fancy dinners and go shopping and just wander around the city. So where did I decide to go? NYC, of course!

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A Canadian Thanksgiving
WANDER Sable Williams WANDER Sable Williams

A Canadian Thanksgiving

The initial plan was to take the Amtrak train up north, but apparently, I didn't read the website well enough when I booked my ticket and ended up booking a bus ticket instead.

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