Fashion For Conservation Elephantasia Press Party

I wasn’t able to attend Eco Fashion Week in Seattle this past week, but I did make sure to attend (and volunteer my time to) the exclusive Fashion for Conservation Elephantasia Press Party last night. As a volunteer for the membership table, my job included welcoming the guests and giving them information about becoming a member of Fashion for Conservation.

The event was held at an awesome space, Straight Jacket Studios in Seattle (on Airport Way). Even though it was pouring rain outside (and it took me about two hours to get there…), the crowd turnout was perfect, the music was just right and the models looked fantastic. Designers included No Voice Collective and Marina Toeters.

Fashion for Conservation is headed by Ava J. Holmes, the most fantastic fashion producer I’ve ever met! She’s also the owner of A-DOT Productions and she invited me to help out with the event a few weeks ago. We met through Seattle Fashion Week a while back and it’s been great to add her to my list of “fashion peeps”.

If you’re interested in learning more and becoming a member of Fashion For Conservation (and receiving a fabulous membership welcome package), visit


Yves Saint Laurent: The Perfection of Style


FGI Seattle Members Networking Event