Yves Saint Laurent: The Perfection of Style

This is a seriously tardy post. I planned on attending Opening Day of this exhibition at the Seattle Art Museum back in November 2016, but of course, life got in the way so I had to keep moving it farther and farther down my schedule. I finally carved out some time on the first Thursday of January (when tickets are 50% off) and made my way downtown after work.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have too much time to linger because I had to get home at a decent hour to prepare for work the next day, but I did manage to take about ninety-eight photos of every item that jumped out at me. I was going to share my top three pieces, but it would take me way too long to choose just three of them.

As a graphic designer in the fashion industry, attending events like this keeps me motivated to continue my work. Stepping away from my desk and immersing myself in someone else’s creativity helps me to remove my creative blocks and look at things from a different perspective. These days, we live in a world of “fast fashion” where most of us can’t even stop for a moment to appreciate the time, commitment, and creativity a designer puts into a single piece of clothing. I’d like to thank the Seattle Art Museum for sharing this beautiful collection with the city.

The exhibition ended on January 8th so In case you missed it, be sure to visit the exhibition website to learn more about one of the most influential designers in the fashion industry.


AiSeattle Aeon Neue Fashion Show


Fashion For Conservation Elephantasia Press Party