FGI Seattle Members Networking Event

Wednesday was quite a long day for me with a two-hour drive to work and a job interview. It was a pretty busy day, but thankfully I got to unwind a bit at the FGI Seattle Members Networking Event at the Nordic Heritage Museum. With a cup of wine in hand, I caught up with Laura Britt Shoes designer, Helen Little, and met Fashion Olay designer, Debbie Graham. Next, we were all treated to a tour of the museum’s current exhibit, The Weather Diaries.

The exhibit included displays of the most over-the-top fashion I’ve ever seen in person and beautiful fashion photography that showed how the clothing moved. I made sure to cap the evening off by introducing myself to the FGI Seattle Regional Director, Marj Turner (who I’ve seen at numerous fashion events, but been unable to reach until this event).

If you’re able to make it out to the Nordic Heritage Museum by November 6th, it will be worth it. Experiencing these pieces in person is a must!


Fashion For Conservation Elephantasia Press Party


Fashion Week at the Bellevue Collection 2016: Front Row Fashion presented by Vogue