Closing Out 2018 with the Styled Seattle x Gossip & Glamour Holiday Party

I can honestly say that 2018 kicked my butt. I've had as many setbacks as I've had successes. But thankfully, the year seems to be ending on a high note. So I decided to celebrate just a little before the new year by attending the Styled Seattle x Gossip & Glamour Holiday Party on Monday night.

The event occurred at the Styled Seattle boutique inside Pacific Place in downtown Seattle. When I arrived (fashionably late, of course), the place was already filled with stylish women (and a few men sprinkled in as well). Along with some light appetizers, champagne, and yummy cookies, the event featured displays from brands like Jane and the Shoe, Andieanderin, and Moonlit Skincare.

I had time to catch up with Antonio Smith, co-founder of Seattle Gents; Andrew Hoge, style writer at Seattle Magazine; Lisa Cole, fashion editor for Vanguard Seattle Magazine; style blogger Carolyn Yuen Marino (who I met previously at the K-BA-NANA Women In Business event); and, of course, Sydney Mintle. I even found a little bravery to take a few photos.

Overall, I had a fabulous time. It was a nice way to cap off a highly eventful year in fashion. For the remainder of the year, I'll pretty much be a hermit working on some new courses and developing yet another stream of passive income. I hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday season!


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